Category Talks

CScADS’10 autotuning.

CScADS'10 Attendees in Snowbird, UT

Just returned from the DOE-sponsored CScADS Workshop on Libraries and Autotuning for Petascale Applications, held this year in the lovely Snowbird, Utah. The agenda featured exciting developments in domain-specific optimization, software engineering, compilers, languages, and mechanized derivation techniques. Click here for the full agenda and slides.

CScADS'10 attendees engaged in vigorous debate

Rich @ Snowbird for CScADS'10

CScADS Autotuning ’11

Rich is in Tahoe this week at the DOE CScADS Workshop on Libraries and Autotuning for Extreme-Scale Systems. The slides are being posted as the meeting progresses; you can follow the agenda here.

UPDATE: Slides for my talk posted here: [PDF]


Rich is back from the 2011 SIAM International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) [@ICIAM2011]. Never before have so many applied math nerds been in one place! Rich spoke in the four-part Minisymposium on Creating the Next-Generation of High-Performance Numerical Computing Capabilities (Parts I, II, III, and IV), which featured a diverse peek into a future of sophisticated, composable, scalable, and automatically generated and tuned code for scientific simulation. For Rich’s talk slides on Concurrent Collections (CnC) for HPC, click here: [PDF]

CAV-(EC)^2 ’11

Just got back from the (EC)2 workshop in Snowbird, co-located with the Computer Aided Verification conference. This was a great opportunity to learn about bridging topics between performance-oriented HPC and formal verification. You’ll find our talk slides here: [PDF]


The lab is in Hamburg this week for ISC’11. Watch our tumblr log ( for updates. UPDATE: Rich’s talk slides on “Balance principles for algorithm-architecture co-design” are available here (PDF).


The HPC Garage is back from Seattle / Bellevue, where we participated in the AMD Fusion Developer Summit. Rich gave a panel talk, which previewed some of the lab’s on-going work on algorithm-architecture co-design (PDF slides). Also, the HPC Garage band, “Casey and the Bloodhounds,” made its debut. YouTube video forthcoming, so stay (performance) tuned!


Casey, Kent, and Aparna are back from HotPar’11, where they presented our work on balance principles for “co-design.” Update: Slides posted (see below). Enjoy!




  • K. Czechowski, C. Battaglino, C. McClanahan, A. Chandramowlishwaran, R. Vuduc. Balance principles for algorithm-architecture co-design. In Proc. USENIX Wkshp. Hot Topics in Parallelism (HotPar), Berkeley, CA, USA, May 2011. [PDF | PDF slides]

Salishan ’11

Rich is back from the US Dept. of Energy-sponsored 2011 Salishan Conference on High-Speed Computing, where he had a chance to preview some of the thought-provoking exascale forecasting work being done by Kent, Casey, and Chris. (Work currently under review; stay tuned!)

Talk at Berkeley.

Rich just finished a short trip to Berkeley, where he had a chance to talk (PDF) about some of the work that the HPC Garage did on the GT-led Gordon Bell winner from last year.

The highlights included meeting not just the “giants” of computing research, but a short excursion to those of nearby Muir Woods:


MICRO’10 and HPCA’11 GPU tutorials.

Rich and collaborator in computer architecture, Hyesoon Kim, gave two tutorials on performance analysis and tuning for GPGPU platforms at two of the big computer architecture conferences, MICRO 2010 (December, in ATL) and HPCA 2011 (February, in San Antonio). Slides from MICRO 2010 tutorial are available, but stay tuned for the HPCA slides, which update that material for clarity and brevity.

And here’s a snap from the beautiful Riverwalk area of San Antonio.