CC’12 paper on program inversion

Congrats to Cong, George, Richard Fujimoto, and our collaborators at Livermore Lab (David Jefferson and Dan Quinlan) on their paper, “A new method for program inversion,” which will appear at the 2012 International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC’12) [www] this April. Roughly speaking, given a program P(In) ? Out, the inverse P-1(Out) reproduces In. This paper describes a new formalisms (value search graph and route graph) for generating such inverses. These formalisms directly express the amount of state needed to enable the inverse, thereby enabling algorithms that can try to minimize storage space. We have implemented this algorithm in Backstroke, which is built on top of the ROSE source-to-source compiler infrastructure [www].


C. Hou, G. Vulov, D. Jefferson, R. Fujimoto, R. Vuduc. “A new method for program inversion.” In Proc. Int’l. Conf. Compiler Construction (CC), Talinn, Estonia, March 2012. (to appear)

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