The HPC Garage is in Savannah, GA this week for the SIAM Parallel Processing (PP) meeting. We are presenting and co-organizing in various minisymposia, so please drop by!
- Minisymposia, co-organized by Rich: Energy-aware high-performance computing: Part 1 (MS2) and Part 2 (MS8)
- Talk: Model-based hybrid scheduling for the fast multipole method, by Jee Choi. In MS18: Multicore, GPU, and GPU+CPU hybrid implementations of CFD methods.
- Talk: Intra-node performance tuning and analysis of fast n-body methods from multicore to exascale. In MS30: Directed acyclic graph approaches for parallel scientific computing.
- Talk: CnC for HPC? by Rich. In MS42: Parallel programming models, algorithms, and frameworks for scalable manycore systems.