Category Software

Check us out at SC’13!

We have a number of activities happening at SC’13 — if you are there at the Denver Convention Center this year, please check us out!

In addition, Georgia Tech has its usual large presence at SC13. See for details.


(L-to-R) Piyush, Marat, and Jee at SC'13

(L-to-R) Piyush, Marat, and Jee at our lab pre-conference celebratory dinner. Have a great meeting, gang!

Yeppp! 1.0 is live

Marat recently released version 1.0 of his Yeppp! library, which includes fast portable implementations of vector elementary functions (e.g., log/exp, trigonometric functions) and polynomial evaluation. See:



GT @ SC’11

The HPC Garage is at Supercomputing this week! A few notable lab-specific activities appear below, but please go to to see even more of how Georgia Tech represents.

  • Poster: Prospects for scalable 3D FFTs on heterogeneous exascale systems (Kent, Casey, Chris, Karthik, P.-K. Yeung, Rich), Tuesday Nov 15 5:15-7pm [www]
  • Talk: George Michael Memorial Fellowship Award presentation by Aparna, Thursday Nov 17 11-11:30 [www]
  • Technical paper: High-performance Lattice QCD for multi-core based parallel Systems using a cache-friendly hybrid threaded-MPI approach (Intel + Jee) [www]

DiGPUFFT (“dig-puffed”): Distributed GPU FFTs

Chris has released  DiGPUFFT  (pronounced, “dig-puffed”), a set of code patches that add GPU capabilities to P3DFFT, Dmitry Pekurovsky’s distributed memory 3D FFT library. A technical report describing these patches and our performance results for the Keeneland system at ORNL is in the works; it should appear on the DiGPUFFT website later this month or early next.