Category Awards

SDM’12 Best Paper

Congratulations to Dongryeol Lee (advisor: Alex Gray) on winning the Best Paper Award at SIAM Data Mining 2012! This paper describes a hybrid distributed/shared memory implementation of kernel summations for high-dimensional data.

  • Dongryeol Lee, Richard Vuduc, Alexander G. Gray. “A distributed kernel summation framework for general-dimension machine learning.” In Proc. SIAM Int’l. Conf. Data Mining, Anaheim, CA, USA, April 2012. Winner, Best Paper. [PDF]

Aparna’s talk at SC’11

Aparna gave a great talk on the future of the fast multipole method! I only regret that the SC’11 organizers messed up the title on the billboard outside the room. (It has the title of the talk as, “Performance tuning and analysis of the fast Aparna Chandramowlishwaran multipole method from multicore to exascale.” It remains to be seen if this “FACMM” algorithm will catch on, though it certainly deserves to.)

GT @ SC’11

The HPC Garage is at Supercomputing this week! A few notable lab-specific activities appear below, but please go to to see even more of how Georgia Tech represents.

  • Poster: Prospects for scalable 3D FFTs on heterogeneous exascale systems (Kent, Casey, Chris, Karthik, P.-K. Yeung, Rich), Tuesday Nov 15 5:15-7pm [www]
  • Talk: George Michael Memorial Fellowship Award presentation by Aparna, Thursday Nov 17 11-11:30 [www]
  • Technical paper: High-performance Lattice QCD for multi-core based parallel Systems using a cache-friendly hybrid threaded-MPI approach (Intel + Jee) [www]

Aparna at GT/CoC’10 awards

(L-to-R) Rich, Aparna

Congratulations, Aparna, for being named one of the Georgia Tech College of Computing’s “Outstanding Graduate Research Assistants!” The honor is well-deserved, given your exemplary research accomplishments over the past year, including a Best Paper Winner at IPDPS’10 and Best Paper Finalist at SC’09.

Gordon Bell & HPC PhD, snagged!

Congrats to the Rahimian/Biros-led team, who won this year’s Gordon Bell Prize at SC! In addition, Aparna also won the George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship, two of which are given out each year to rising-star PhD students.

Overall, a great week for Georgia Tech. Go, Buzz!

(L-to-R: Rich, Shravan Veerapanen, George Biros, Abtin Rahimian, Logan Moon, Aparna Chandramowlishwaran)

IPDPS’10 awards session.

Best paper @ IPDPS’10!

We just got word that Aparna’s, Kath Knobe’s (Intel), and my paper will get the Best Paper Award in the software track at the IEEE Int’l. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), which will be held here in Atlanta in April. The paper is the first performance evaluation of a relatively new parallel programming model, called Concurrent Collections (CnC), on state-of-the-art multicore systems. It shows of CnC’s extraordinary potential, using examples from dense linear algebra.

Congratulations to the team. We owe many thanks to our friends and colleagues at Intel (Frank Schlimbach, Geoff Lowney, Shin Lee, and CK Luk) and Rice University (Vivek Sarkar and Zoran Budimli?) for their feedback, encouragement, and support during the course of this work.

Vuduc @ R&D100 Awards

Rich at the 2009 R&D100 Awards Ceremony

Rich just returned from the R&D 100 Awards Ceremony, where colleagues from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Vienna University of TechnologyUniversity of Texas at San Antonio, and Indiana University, and he received an award for the ROSE Compiler InfrastructureDr. Dan Quinlan at LLNL leads the effort. Congratulations to the team!

ROSE wins R&D100!

Congratulations to the ROSE Compiler Project (LLNL), which just won an R&D 100 Award for 2009. Rich is a contributing collaborator to ROSE. See

Top ParCo’09 Q1 download

Our co-authored paper on multicore optimizations for sparse matrix-vector multiply was the “hottest” (most downloaded) Journal of Parallel Computing (ParCo) article in Q1 2009.

[ParCo Top 25 List, Q1 2009] S. Williams, L. Oliker, R. Vuduc, J. Shalf, K. Yelick, J. Demmel. “Optimization of sparse matrix-vector multiplication on emerging multicore platforms.” J. Par. Comput. (ParCo)35(3), pp. 178—194, March 2009. doi:10.1016/j.parco.2008.12.006