Tag compilers

RC’12: gnitupmoC

Cong is in Copenhagen presenting our work on synthesizing program inverses for the case of programs with loops, at RC’12. UPDATE: Slides posted (see link below).

  • Cong Hou, Daniel Quinlan, David Jefferson, Richard Fujimoto, Richard Vuduc. “Loop synthesis for program inversion.” In Proc. 4th Wkshp. Reversible Computation (RC), Copenhagen, Denmark, July 2012. [PDF Preprint | PDF slides]

    Scene from Copenhagen - RC'12, by Cong Hou

    Photo by Cong Hou – https://sites.google.com/site/houcong1984/


This week, Cong is presenting his work on synthesizing program inverses at the 21st International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC) 2012, in Talinn, Estonia. A program inverse enables speculative parallelization, but also has applications in program debugging and software engineering (e.g., automatically creating “undo” functionality). His paper describes new compiler-based analysis and transformation techniques for the problem, specifically by introducing two new intermediate program representations: a value search graph, which extends single static assignment form to convert the synthesis problem into a graph search problem, and a route graph, which is a subset of the VSG that represents an inverse. Read the gory details below.


Cong is giving a talk on program inversion this week at the 16th Workshop on Compilers for Parallel Computing (CPC) [www].

UPDATE: Cong’s slides are here: [PDF]

Vuduc @ R&D100 Awards

Rich at the 2009 R&D100 Awards Ceremony

Rich just returned from the R&D 100 Awards Ceremony, where colleagues from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Vienna University of TechnologyUniversity of Texas at San Antonio, and Indiana University, and he received an award for the ROSE Compiler InfrastructureDr. Dan Quinlan at LLNL leads the effort. Congratulations to the team!

ROSE wins R&D100!

Congratulations to the ROSE Compiler Project (LLNL), which just won an R&D 100 Award for 2009. Rich is a contributing collaborator to ROSE. See http://www.rosecompiler.org.