Tag programming models

SIAM CSE’13 talks

Aparna and Jee are at SIAM CSE 2013 in Boston this week, giving talks the fast multipole method and the energy roofline, respectively. (UPDATE: Click on the title for Jee’s talk to access the PDF slides.)


Aparna and Rich are in Fort Collins, Colorado today attending the 3rd Annual Concurrent Collections (CnC) Workshop. Ryan Newton (Indiana University) is the lead organizer. Talk slides will be posted at the workshop website shortly. [www]

Two papers @ IPDPS’10

The HPC Garage will have two papers at the upcoming IPDPS conference, to be held here in Atlanta, April 19–23. Congratulations to Aparna, who led the two papers, as well as our colleagues at Intel (Kath Knobe) and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Sam Williams and Lenny Oliker) for their significant contributions!

Here’s a brief description of the papers …

The first paper is a detailed performance evaluation of the Concurrent Collections (CnC) parallel programming model on some of the latest multicore systems. This paper demonstrates the extraordinary potential of the CnC model, and raises a number of questions about how the model should evolve for more complex programs. The second paper is the first extensive multicore optimization and tuning experiment for the kernel-independent fast multipole method (KIFMM). Surprisingly, this paper shows competitive performance from an Intel Nehalem-based multicore system relative to the GPU implementation we showcased in our best paper-nominated SC’09 submission (led by Lashuk and Biros).

  • A. Chandramowlishwaran, K. Knobe, and R. Vuduc. Performance evaluation of Concurrent Collections on high-performance multicore computing systems. In Proc. IEEE Int’l. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS), Atlanta, GA, USA, April 2010. (accepted).
  • A. Chandramowlishwaran, S. Williams, L. Oliker, I. Lashuk, G. Biros, and R. Vuduc. Optimizing and tuning the fast multipole method for state-of-the-art multicore architectures. In Proc. IEEE Int’l. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS), Atlanta, GA, USA, April 2010. (accepted).

APGCS’10 talk by Sooraj.

Sooraj Bhat, GT Grad Student and friend/affiliate of the HPC Garage

On Monday, May 31, Sooraj Bhat presented his work on mechanizing the derivation of statistical machine learning algorithms, which is joint work with Ashish AgarwalAlex Gray, and Rich, at the Workshop on Automated Program Generation for Computational Science (co-located with ICCS’10 in Amsterdam). This is a key first-step toward the automatic production of highly tuned parallel code for data analysis applications. [workshop-page | schedule]

IPDPS’10 awards session.