Tag program generation


This week, Cong is presenting his work on synthesizing program inverses at the 21st International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC) 2012, in Talinn, Estonia. A program inverse enables speculative parallelization, but also has applications in program debugging and software engineering (e.g., automatically creating “undo” functionality). His paper describes new compiler-based analysis and transformation techniques for the problem, specifically by introducing two new intermediate program representations: a value search graph, which extends single static assignment form to convert the synthesis problem into a graph search problem, and a route graph, which is a subset of the VSG that represents an inverse. Read the gory details below.

APGCS’10 talk by Sooraj.

Sooraj Bhat, GT Grad Student and friend/affiliate of the HPC Garage

On Monday, May 31, Sooraj Bhat presented his work on mechanizing the derivation of statistical machine learning algorithms, which is joint work with Ashish AgarwalAlex Gray, and Rich, at the Workshop on Automated Program Generation for Computational Science (co-located with ICCS’10 in Amsterdam). This is a key first-step toward the automatic production of highly tuned parallel code for data analysis applications. [workshop-page | schedule]

Dagstuhl seminar.

Attendees of the Dagstuhl Seminar 10191 on Program Composition and Optimization

Nerds from the software engineering and the autotuning/HPC communities attempt to understand each other’s language and find common research ground at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Program Composition and Optimization (10191), at which Rich was an attendee.