Author Rich


We’re in Seattle this week attending the US DOE Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Exascale Systems and Applications — “ModSim’13” [www]. A copy of Rich’s talk and pointers to supplemental materials is available here:

Hana’s PhD Defense

Rich is back from the University of Vienna, where he had the great fortune to serve as an external referee on Hana Strakova’s PhD dissertation committee. Hana was a Fall 2011 intern in our lab; her primary thesis advisor is Wilfried Gansterer. Her thesis breaks new ground in the development of  resilient and asynchronous numerical linear algebra algorithms for highly unreliable systems, using so-called “gossiping” techniques: “Truly distributed approaches to orthogonalization and orthogonal iteration on the basis of gossip algorithms.” Naturally, she passed with flying colors. Congratulations!

Rich, Hana, and Wilfried

Left-to-right: Rich, Dr. Hana Strakova, and her advisor, Wilfried Gansterer (University of Vienna).


We are in Warsaw this week for the International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM) [www]. If you are attending, be sure to see Marat’s talk and Rich’s talk:

  • Marat Dukhan and Richard Vuduc. “Methods for high-throughput computation of elementary functions.” Tue., Sept. 10, Track A, 10:20am – 12:25pm. [Marat’s slides: PDF (5.3 MiB)]
  • Richard Vuduc. “How much (execution) time, energy, and power will my algorithm cost?” Wed., Sept. 11, Invited Keynotes, noon – 1:20pm. [Rich’s materials: Click here]

Beyond these, there are two additional not-to-be-missed Georgia Tech talks: Anita Zakrzewska, a student of David Bader, and Jeff Vetter (ORNL+GT):

  • Jeff Vetter. “Exploring Emerging Technologies in the HPC Co-Design Space.” Tue., Sept. 10, Invited keynote track A, 2:00-3:20pm.
  • Anita Zakrzewska and David Bader. “Measuring the sensitivity of graph metrics to missing data.” Wed., Sept. 11, Track A, 10:20am – noon.
Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw, Poland

Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw, where we held the first day of PPAM’13.

Peach-Py at the BLIS Retreat

Marat is at the BLIS Retreat, and just gave a presentation on Peach-Py, his Python-based assembler. Peach-Py gives you the control and efficiency of assembly programming with the convenience and ease of Python syntax, while also automating key tasks like constant and register allocation. Peach-Py currently supports a variety of x86 and ARM instruction sets.

If you missed his talk, you can see the PDF slides (and eventually the video) here: PDF [357 KiB]

Incidentally, BLIS is an exciting new effort to build a new infrastructure for high-performance primitives.

Peach-Py is a Python-based assembler. It improves assembly-level programming by giving the programmer much of the control and power of assembly combined with the convenience and ease of Python syntax, all while automating a number of key tasks, like register allocation.

Peach-Py is a Python-based assembler. It improves assembly-level programming by giving the programmer much of the control and power of assembly combined with the convenience and ease of Python syntax, all while automating a number of key tasks, like register allocation.

Hot Chips ’13

Marat is at Hot Chips 2013 this week presenting his poster entitled, “What a fast FPU means for algorithms: A story of vector elementary functions.” This work lays the foundations for Yeppp!, his new numerical library that embraces the “flops-are-free” mantra to develop new high-speed implementations of functions like log, exp, sin, cos, among others, and polynomial evaluation. A copy of his poster is available here [PDF, 497 KiB].

Marat's Hot Chips 2013 poster (thumbnail)

Marat’s Hot Chips 2013 poster (thumbnail)

DOE ExaMath’13

Rich is at the American Geophysical Union this week for a US Department of Energy workshop on “Exascale Mathematics.” You can read his position paper and talk materials [here].
AGU sign

Sangmin @ ISSTA’13

Sangmin is in Lugano, Switzerland this week to present his new paper on Griffin at ISSTA, the 2013 International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. Griffin is a tool that aims to help programmers find bugs in their concurrent software. Congrats, Sangmin!

  • Sangmin Park, Mary Jean Harrold, and Richard Vuduc. “Griffin: Grouping suspicious memory-access patterns to improve understanding of concurrency bugs.” In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis (ISSTA), Lugano, Switzerland, July 15-20, 2013.

    Griffin's "Bug Graph" concept

    A bug graph, one of Griffin’s aids for programmers who need to debug their concurrent software.


Non-research slam dunks, sort of

dave-dunk-frameCongratulations to David S. Noble, Jr., our most recent alumnus (CSE MS Spring 2013), who just landed a job at CD-adapco, makers of scalable high-quality software for computational fluid dynamics applications. To celebrate, Dave unveils his highly graceful swan-like dunking ability in this 3-second video clip (~ 6 MiB QuickTime movie): Dave_Dunk_Attempt.

Note: This skill is a requirement to graduate from The HPC Garage, which is how you can tell Kent is not yet ready (~ 15 MiB .mp4, 8 seconds): Kent_Dunk_Attempt

See us at IPDPS’13!

Jee and Kent are speaking on Wednesday, May 22 at IPDPS’13. If you are attending, be sure to check out their talks!

  • Jee Choi et al. “A roofline model of energy.” Session 14, 10am-noon.
  • Kenneth Czechowski and R. Vuduc. “A theoretical framework for algorithm-architecture co-design.” Session 17, 1:30-3:30pm.

Both sessions are in the William Dawes Room at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge. Hope to see you there!

Rich gave a keynote at the 3rd International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Exascale Systems (AsHES) earlier this week. A copy of his slides is available here:

IPDPS’13 preprints

A notional space of processors.

A notional space of processors.

Kent and Jee will each present a paper at IPDPS’13, to be held in Boston in May. Kent’s paper is about a unique take on high-level algorithm-architecture co-design; Jee’s paper is about his “roofline” energy model. If you plan to attend, be sure to see their talks! We’ve also posted preprints under Papers.

  • Jee Choi and Richard Vuduc. A roofline model of energy. In Proc. IEEE Int’l. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS), Boston, MA, USA, May 2013. [PDF | BibTeX]
  • Kenneth Czechowski and Richard Vuduc. A theoretical framework for algorithm-architecture co-design. In Proc. IEEE Int’l. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS), Boston, MA, USA, May 2013. [PDF | BibTeX]