Kent and Jee will each present a paper at IPDPS’13, to be held in Boston in May. Kent’s paper is about a unique take on high-level algorithm-architecture co-design; Jee’s paper is about his “roofline” energy model. If you plan to attend, be sure to see their talks! We’ve also posted preprints under Papers.
- Jee Choi and Richard Vuduc. A roofline model of energy. In Proc. IEEE Int’l. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS), Boston, MA, USA, May 2013. [PDF | BibTeX]
- Kenneth Czechowski and Richard Vuduc. A theoretical framework for algorithm-architecture co-design. In Proc. IEEE Int’l. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symp. (IPDPS), Boston, MA, USA, May 2013. [PDF | BibTeX]
This work is interesting enough that we’d like to follow up with you with several of us that are working on some related work at Intel.